Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Here in Boston, we always root for the underdog. It's a mentality I've always had, so when it comes to blogging I'm always looking for that great, under read blog that only gets a couple of hits a day to talk up. But I admit, it's hard to find talented little bloggers in the vast world of blogspots and wordpresses (did you know there's a blog born every half second?) but that doesn't mean we don't try! Hey, the Sox's hard work for 86 years payed off, right?

Blogger Chuck Westbrook is rooting for the underdog too- he is forming a group of bloggers to help bring awareness to underappreciated blogs. Here's Chuck's plan:

1. Gather some nice bloggers who believe in helping good content rise. The more the merrier. This becomes our group for the project.
2. A good, lesser-known blog is chosen. Everyone in the group will read that blog for two weeks.
3. At the end of the two weeks, the group moves to another blog to read.

Well, Blogette is a beginner blogger, and I'm always looking to bring in more readers and improve content! Pick me Chuck! :)