Friday, October 24, 2008

Ode to Morning TV

Happy Friday! This morning I am working from home and I have been planning my entire week around one thing, morning TV! It's a shame that all of us working girls miss The Today Show, Regis & Kelly, Rachael Ray, Ellen, and The View which are all so much more enjoyable than the post work tabloid shots from Inside Edition and E!

I forgot how good morning TV was until the other day my co-worker and I had a discussion about how much we miss watching all of our a.m. favs (we initially got into this conversation because Ed Westwick of Gossip Girl (aka Chuck Bass) was on Regis & Kelly and did you know he is from England? English accent? See the things we miss!?).

So I thought for today I'd let you in on my so cool plans while I chill at home in my PJ's, and leave you with a little Ellen to sneak onto your work desktop in case you missed the real deal. It's Friday after all, enjoy people making fools of themselves busting a move :)