Monday, October 20, 2008

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Trashy mags are a guilty pleasure for me, an indulgence best enjoyed in small doses. I refuse to pay for them, but I'll usually have gone through the entire stack at the gym by the end of the week.

One of my favorite sections has always been the "worst-dressed". I think of the photos as a little pick me up. If you can spend $6,000 on a Zac Posen dress and still be slammed by US Weekly, I feel o.k. for sometimes trying to get by in my college sweatshirt and jeans. At least I don't look like a disco ball like Jessica Simpson (see above).

The originial chief of the fashion police, Richard Blackwell, died today at 86. Mr. Blackwell was the first to compile a "worst-dressed list" nearly 50 years ago, inspiring the Perez's of our generation to thrive off of celebrity flaws.

Some of my favorite divas have benefited from Blackwell's buzz in their "any press is good press" wealth. According to Mr. Blackwell, Lindsay Lohan "went from adorable to deplorable:, Britney Spears wore "a bra-topped collection of Madonna rejects are pure fashion overkill", and Victoria Beckham topped his list as the #1 worst dressed celeb of 2008.

Even celebs can't be fashionistas all the time. Thanks for pointing out the flaws, Mr. Blackwell. I feel better about my outfit today already.