Tuesday, December 9, 2008

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It's officially the time of year when you should have started your Christmas shopping, which means it is also the time of year when more annoying toy commercials start to pop up and I'm happy that the majority of people on my Christmas list are over 20.

But a particular commercial caught my attention last night for the Barbie Dream House. Two young woman, sisters, are reminiscing about growing up and sharing Barbies. Props to the advertisers of that one. I was brought back to a nostalgic 80's frame of mind, where Rainbow Bright ruled the world and Christmas was spent picking out Barbies and watching Home Alone over and over again. I got to thinking about 80's and 90's toys- and before I know it I had a running wishlist of my favorite Christmas toys. In the age of Nintendo Wii and Wii Fit, IPods, Leapfrog and Bratz (my least favorite), I thought a little flashback would be refreshing.

My Christmas Wishlist (circa 1990, ish)

-Cabbage Patch Dolls
-Barbie Dream House and pink Barbie Corvette
-Barbie hairdresser head
-Care Bear stuffed animals
-My Little Pony
-Easy Bake Oven
-Polly Pockets
-Beanie Babies (WITH the tags)
-Cupcake dolls and Cherry Merry Muffin and Strawberry Shortcake
-Fraggle Rock (VHS)
-Tamagotchi pet

Oh and a note to all of the friends who read my blog, I never got that Easy Bake Oven. And Tamgotchi pets are only going for around $15 on Amazon these days...
Feel free to leave comments on your favorite toys from Christmases past!


Anonymous said...

Haha, I got an Easy Bake Oven, and in it I cooked many delicious goodies via light bulb convection... Santa must not have liked you ;)